• We will NEVER ship a chameleon before making contact with you! If you have not heard from us, you are NOT on the shipping schedule as of yet. Feel free to reach out to us or we will reach out to you to verify your address, the agreed upon date of shipping, whether it will go to a hub for pickup or to be sure someone will be home to bring the chameleon inside. 


  • Chameleons are only shipped FedEx Priority Overnight Tuesday nights for a Wednesday arrival unless otherwise stated. During the winter we HIGHLY recommend hub to hub shipping. There is NO refund on shipping due to arrival delays.


  • LIVE ARRIVAL GUARANTEE: We will guarantee the live arrival of your chameleon only IF your chameleon is shipped to an approved FedEx shipping hub for pickup. We will provide you with a list of approved locations near you while preparing for shipping. Shipping to your home or anywhere other than an approved hub voids this guarantee.


    • We reserve the right to reschedule shipping dates according to weather/temperature concerns. This can/will happen from time to time, especially during the winter months. Temperatures will be checked in 3 areas and need to be adequate before we determine it is safe to ship. We always check temps in our area, the FedEx transfer hub, as well as the temps at the destination. Hub to hub shipping is preferred to eliminate time spent on the delivery truck (see above).
    • Please know if we need to reschedule shipping it is in the BEST interest for the health and safety of your new baby. We do not take rescheduling lightly as we know it is an inconvenience for you, and only will do this if we feel it is necessary. We hope you are patient and understanding as we all want what is best for your chameleon. 
    • See our Terms of Service for more information.